Photo by Andrey Bezukladnikov

The Golden Ass
Segment “White”

Director: Boris Yukhananov
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Duration: 4 hours

The premiere took place in 4 May 2016.


The stream will be available till May 2, 7 p.m.

Having abandoned Psyche, Cupid rests at the mansion of his mother - Kyprida. Angry and frustrated, she threatens to take away his bow and arrows – "the great god's beneficent weapons" – adopt a slave and give him all her son's weapons. The family quarrel has been caused by the son's secret marriage with a mortal, Psyche. Kyprida does not want to put up with her hated daughter-in-law and resolves to send her to the realm of the dead. Such are the passions that flare up in heaven! Back on the ground, everything is much nicer: "Hello! My name is Lucius Sokolov. I will tell you the story of my life, the story about one woman in my life!" Thus does Lucius begin his refined speech, dedicating it to the enchanting beauty of the charming maid Fotis and, in particular, to the strength and attractiveness of women's hair. "I could no longer endure the torment of such burning lust. Approaching her at that very place from which her hair was bound at the very top, I imprinted there the sweetest kiss.”

Lucius encountered these and similar visits even before his ill-fated transformation, but, having been transformed into an ass, and having passed considerable trials, he one day meets on his journey a wealthy and noble matron. In no way finding a cure for his terrible ailment, the matron, for a large reward, conspires with the night watchman to spend one night with the ass...

The ass escapes from people and wakes up on the seashore, where a powerful goddess appears to him in a dream, and promises salvation. Following her instructions, he falls in step with a majestic procession, where one of Isis's priests brings him a wreath of roses. The ass eats the roses and is transformed back into a man.

Priestly prayers and hymns resound. The doors of the temple open to Lucius. He enters silently, prepared to receive initiation.


And also

Владиус: Влад Вишняков
Папарацци: Екатерина Любимова
Тени: Александра Евдокунина
Пианистка: Василиса Филатова
Саксофонисты: Вера Романова, Сергей Храмцевич
Процессия: Екатерина Любимова, монтировщики

Жрица (голос, флейта) – Вера Романова / Саша Елина / Василиса Филатова
Жрица (голос) – Ирина Рындина / Александра Полоник
Синхронный переводчик – Александра Полоник
Персефона – Юлия Сёмина (голос) / Кирилл Широков (пила)
Пила (соло) – Кирилл Широков

Струнный квартет
Мария Валицкая, Екатерина Зейнетдинова 
Альт – Вероника Мусатова / Серафима Кривцова
Виолончель – Алина Ануфриенко

Пилы: Андрей Емельянов, Мария Валицкая, Екатерина Зейнетдинова, Вероника Мусатова / Серафима Кривцова, Алина Ануфриенко
