Уважаемые зрители! В фойе Электротеатра Станиславский проходит выставка фотографий Олимпии Орловой, приуроченная к десятилетию театра. С 16 по 19 февраля часть экспозиции будет недоступна для просмотра . Успевайте посетить! Вход свободный.

Alla Kazakova


Alla Kazakova studied in the Andrei Goncharov studio at GITIS from 1994 to 1997. In 1997, she transferred to the acting laboratory at Anatoly Vasilyev's School of Dramatic Art. In 1998 she joined the theatre as a company member.

In her years of work at the theatre she performed in numerous productions: The Iliad. XXIII. Burial of Patroclus. Games, From Onegin's Journey, Little Russian Songs, The Mystery of the Lost Snow, The Miracle of the Goldfinch, Luna Park Lunacharsky, The Constant Principle and others. She participated in The Mystery about the End of Time by Carl Orff in 2007 as part of the TERRITORIA festival (directed by Kirill Serebrennikov). In 2012 she performed in Vladimir Ageyev's production of The Choice of a Hero at Polytheatre.

Kazakova has worked at the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre since 2014. She participates in the Electrocabaret project.

Roles in the the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre
2021Госпожа Рисса, «Жизнь и необыкновенное приключение Соломона Маймона», реж. Андрей Сильвестров
2021Герда, «Пеликан», реж. Альберто Романо Кавекки
2019Мэри Шелли, «Пиноккио. Лес», «Пиноккио. Театр», реж. Борис Юхананов
2017Clara Zakhanassian, The Visit, directed by Oleg Dobrovolsky
2016Psyche, Kyprida, The Golden Ass. The Open-circuited Workspace, directed by Boris Yukhananov
2016Psychosis, directed by Alexander Zeldovich
2015Conchita, Anna in the Tropics, directed by Alexander Ogarev
2015Phoenix, Princess of Fez, The Constant Principle, directed by Boris Yukhananov
2015Agave, The Bacchae, directed by Theodoros Terzopoulos
Roles in other theaters
2013The Constant Principle, directed by Boris Yukhananov, School of Dramatic Art
2012The Choice of a Hero, directed by Vladimir Ageyev, Polytheatre
2012Elka, The Mystery of the Lost Snow, directed by Alexander Ogaryov, School of Dramatic Art
2008Little Russian Songs, directed by Alexander Ogaryov, School of Dramatic Art
2004Masha, Luna Park Lunacharsky, directed by Alexander Ogaryov, School of Dramatic Art
2004Speech, The Iliad. XXIII. The Burial of Patroclus. Games, directed by Anatoly Vasilyev, School of Dramatic Art
2003Text, From Onegin's Journey, directed by Anatoly Vasilyev, School of Dramatic Art
Roles in the cinema
2019Наташа, «Последствия», реж. Александр Котт
2013The Fifth Guard, directed by Vasily Pichul, Igor Tverdokhlebov and other
2012The Choirist, directed by Rumi Shoazimov
2010Editor, Wanted, directed by Ramil Sabitov
2007Zina, Other, directed by Daria Onishchenko
2006Natasha, School Games, directed by Valery Fedosov
2005Alevtina, A Time to Collect Stones, directed by Alexei Karelin
2003Mila, Give Me Life, directed by Vladimir Krasnopolsky and Valery Uskov
2002Bondarenko, Kamenskaya 2, directed by Yury Moroz