Andrei Anisimov


Graduated from Moscow Technological University (MGUPI) with a degree in engineering and technology in 2012. That same year he worked for several months at the Star Express Dance Theater. Specializes in break dance. Has been a member of the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre dance company since 2014. Roles at the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre

Roles in the the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre
2024Лесные существа, «Безумный ангел Пиноккио. Мировая премьера кинотриптиха Бориса Юхананова», реж. Борис Юхананов
2021Стража, слуга, «Жизнь есть сон», реж. Наталья Менендес
2020Актёр, «Ноябрь», реж. Борис Павлович
2019Обер-кондуктор, «Таланты и поклонники», реж. Ольга Великанова
2019Ангел, «Пиноккио. Театр», реж. Борис Юхананов
2019Ангел, «Пиноккио. Лес», реж. Борис Юхананов
2018Orphic Games. Punk-macrame
2017Черный барс, Телеоператор, «Визит дамы», реж. Олег Добровольский
2017Dance performance It's like this, choreographed by Alberts Alberts
2016Priest, Boxer, Townsman, The Golden Ass. The Open-Circuited Workspace, directed by Boris Yukhananov
2015Flier, Clock, Black Swan, Acrobatic Bear, Bliss of Drowned Vanity, Bureaucrat without a Nose, Servant of the Night — in The Blue Bird, directed by Boris Yukhananov.
2015Soldier, Performer, Groom, The Constant Principle, directed by Boris Yukhananov
Roles in other theaters
2012Project 02 in Archstanding, choreographed by Anna Zakusova.
2010Winner of the Battle for Respect project on Mus TV.