Ilona Bul
Chorus member
Graduated from the vocal department of Gnesin Musical College in 2009, and the Institute of Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies (Vladimir Korenev studio) in 2015.
Roles in the the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre
2020Дочь Серфима, «Книга Серафима», реж. Александр Белоусов
2019Небесный хор, «Пиноккио», реж. Борис Юхананов
2018Parasomnias, composer Dmitri Kourliandski, director and art director Vera Martynov
2017Lisa, A Boring Story, directed by Vasily Skvortsov
2017Хор, «Проза», реж. Владимир Раннев
2016Irksome chorus, Shadows, Fotis, The Golden Ass. The Open-Circuited Workspace, directed by Boris Yukhananov
2016Chorus, The House of Bernarda Alba, directed by Alisa Seletskaya
2015Chorus, The Constant Principle, directed by Boris Yukhananov
2015Penguin, Thrush, Weaver, The Greatest Joy, The Blue Bird, directed by Boris Yukhananov
Roles in other theaters
2014Nina Andreevna, Baba Chanel, directed Maxim Shakhet, IGUMO Educational Theater
2010Yermakova, The Hospital, directed by Leonid Titov, Faces Theatre-Studio