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Спектакль, запланированный на 26.01, состоится.

The Nonsensorics of Dreems

An opera series consisting of an overture and four operas
Режиссер-постановщик и автор либретто: Борис Юхананов
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The premiere took place in 17 December 2022.

The Nonsensorics of Dreems is Boris Yukhananov's new opera project created by four contemporary
composers. It continues the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre's important developmental work with new
academic music and modern opera. The four original operas were written by Daria Zvezdina, Alexander
Belousov, Vladimir Gorlinsky and Kirill Shirokov. The overture is a collective composition by all four

The libretto tells the tale of an angel who doubted that humankind is worthy of the gifts of the Creator,
and was sent to be tested in contemporary Moscow. Once in the city, as the transition from one
millennium to another takes place, Dreams assumes the guise of a hermit poet. He undergoes seven days
of adventures, experiencing the true nature of humanity, before receiving forgiveness.

The project's minimalist, yet meticulous, visuals were created by Stepan Lukyanov and Andrei
Bezukladnikov. Running parallel to the music, they show video scenes depicting the process of a book
being published. The screen becomes a "living book," which simultaneously produces a poem (libretto by
Boris Yukhananov) and music. Work with artificial intelligence allows the generation of images (letters
and pictures) in rhythmic consonance with the music. We witness a unique experience of image and sound
synchronization which, ultimately, already beyond the performance itself (it will only be shown once at
the Electrotheatre), will result in a photo film.