Stepan Lukyanov
Set designer, designer, art director of the Cine Phantom film club, member of the Moscow Union of Artists, Deputy Chair of the Poster Artists Section.
Stepan Lukyanov was born in Moscow in 1976. He studied at the Tomsky Academic Lyceum of Art in Moscow in the department of sculpture. In 1990, with Andrei Silvestrov, Dmitry Troitsky, and Mikhail Ignatyev, he founded an art group named Mu-sey (Mu-seum, 1990–1994). He studied and worked in Boris Yukhananov's Studio of Individual Direction on The Orchard mystery project (1992-1996). He graduated from the Fine Art Academy at the Nesterova New Humanitarian University in the studio of Vadim Kulakov and Sergei Alimov (1999). He worked with Sergei Pokrovsky in the Multipass design group (1998-2004). He has been a member of the Moscow Artists Union since 2000. Stepan began collaborating with TV channels such as STS, Domashny, Muz-TV, Perets, and Rossiya in 2004. He is a co-founder and art director of the Cine Fantom film club. Together with Alexandra Sankova, Nadezhda Bakuradze and Valery Patkonen, he founded the Moscow Design Museum in 2012. In 2013 he began working as a set designer and video artist with the Stanislavsky Electrotheater, where he also created the venue’s logo and brand design.