Уважаемые зрители! В фойе Электротеатра Станиславский проходит выставка фотографий Олимпии Орловой, приуроченная к десятилетию театра. С 16 по 19 февраля часть экспозиции будет недоступна для просмотра . Успевайте посетить! Вход свободный.

Фото: Андрей Безукладников


Stanislavsky Electrotheatre, in conjunction with MIR (Boris Yukhananov's Studio of Individual Directing)
Directed by Boris Yukhananov
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Duration: каждый вечер – около трех часов

THE WORLD OF ROME is a major new project, based on Shakespeare's Roman cycle, by Boris
Yukhananov and graduates of his Studio of Individual Directing (MIR–6). Beginning three years ago as a
new round of research in the field of new processual art, THE WORLD of ROME unfolds on several
stages at different venues of the Electrotheatre. The journey begins in October 2022 on the Small Stage.
The four tragedies of the Roman cycle form the basis for independent compositions by young directors,
and for further research in Yukananov's new processual theatrical method. But apart from them, there are
performative zones dedicated to important platforms of modern philosophical thought. Additionally it will include performative
compositions lacking reference to texts that offer new keys to understanding the interaction of
performance and space. These theatrical and performative inquiries are intertwined with the need to
recognize the era in which the cosmic body of the earth now exists. As such, the project deals with the
past, present and future at once.

“The sounds and letters that define the words 'world' and 'Rome' form a square that we fill with the
sounds of Shakespeare's tragedies: Julius Caesar, Antony and Cleopatra, Titus Andronicus and
Coriolanus. From this quartet of texts one can create a primordial Shakespearean Rome, in which
personality was formed by principles, law and rules, but at the same time individuals retained the mystery
of their subjectivity. If you combine these two words in Russian, you arrive at "MIRRIM" – a word with a
growl inside of it, hinting at the presence of a Roman she-wolf. The world is understood as an image of
the mystery of being, the fullness of life, untouched by engagements and prone to silence and silence."
(Boris Yukhananov).

This collection of works by young artists forms a unified system of performances containing three blocks:
"Stage" (11 evenings), "Road" (four evenings) and "Elysium" (five evenings). Thus, the the project's
structure, featuring more than 100 participants, grows right before the spectators' eyes over the course of
twenty performances of three hours each. Thematically and compositionally, ROME is a single
composition that incorporates very different properties and techniques, often departing from the formats
associated with the nature of Shakespearean performance. It is similar to what is commonly called
pataphysics in philosophy, and in art is associated with nonsense, the absurdization of narrative, and the
simultaneous presence of reality and mirage.

The integrity of the freely constructed works is found in the overall composition composed by Boris
Yukhananov, and in the design by Ivan Kochkaryov, whose set interacts with mapping and other visual
and sound attractions.

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Режиссеры-ассистенты: Александра Евдокунина, Айгерим Елжан, Анастасия Сицилиано-Лоренц, Матвей Регельсон

Режиссер-ассистент по костюмам: Анна Шолохович
Режиссер-ассистент по медиа-контенту: Андрей Усиков
Режиссер-ассистент по музыке: Иван Сватковский
Режиссер-ассистент по актерам: Юлия Машукова
Режиссер-ассистент по хореографии: Николай Каретников
Режиссер-ассистент по звуку: Владислав Скрипко
Режиссер-ассистент по реквизиту и бутафории: Анна Молканова

Драматург-ассистент: Анна Гейжан

Художники-ассистенты: Анна Асланян, Елена Дроздова, Арина Захарова, Александра Крейн, Алевтина Кузнецова, Лия Паршина, Мария Питербарг, Даня Пятенкова, Ольга Суслова, Мария Титова, Олег Чедия

Саунд-дизайнеры-стажеры: Артём Гуринович, Макар Климов, Александр Колесников, Григорий Милованов

Консультант по сценическому бою: Иван Котик

Кураторы Мастерской Индивидуальной Режиссуры (МИР-6): Каролина, Мария Орлова, Мария Петрова, Леда Тимофеева


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