Уважаемые зрители! В фойе Электротеатра Станиславский проходит выставка фотографий Олимпии Орловой, приуроченная к десятилетию театра. С 16 по 19 февраля часть экспозиции будет недоступна для просмотра . Успевайте посетить! Вход свободный.

The Stanislavsky Electrotheatre has received 22 nominations for the Golden Mask awards

20 November 2020

The shortlist for the Golden Mask awards has been announced. The Stanislavsky Electrotheatre has received 22 nominations!

Pinocchio. Theatre
• Best small-scale production - Pinocchio. Theatre
• Best director — Boris Yukhananov
• Best female role — Maria Belyaeva, Svetlana Naidyonova, Pinocchio
• Best designer — Yuri Kharikov
• Best costume designer — Anastasia Nefyodova
• Best lighting designer — Sergei Vasilyev, Alexei Naumov

Octavia. Trepanation
• Best opera production — Octavia. Trepanation
• Best director, opera — Boris Yukhananov
• Best female role — ensemble Questa Musica, Octavia
• Best female role — Arina Zvereva, ghost of Agrippina
• Best male role — Alexei Kokhanov, Seneca
• Best composer, musical theater — Dmitri Kourliandski
• Best designer, musical theater — Stepan Lukyanov
• Best costume designer, musical theater — Anastasia Nefyodova
• Best lighting designer, musical theater — Sergei Vasilyev

Book of Seraphim
• Opera production — The Book of Seraphim
• Best conductor — musical director Arina Zvereva
• Best director — Alexander Belousov
• Best female role — Olga Rossini, Singing Tel
• Best male role — Sergei Malinin, Stavrogin
• Best male role — Dmitry Matvienko, Tikhon
• Best composer, musical theater — Alexander Belousov

Congratulations to every nominee and every participant in the nominated performances!


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