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23 December, 19:00
Presentation, Foyer

Presentation of The Lost Ones/The Ravager by Samuel Beckett

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Presentation of The Lost Ones/The Ravager by Samuel Beckett. (Мoscow: The Lost Ones, 2018).

Over the course of many years, Samuel Beckett alternately wrote texts in English and in French, then continued to work on them in the process of translation. Comparing different versions of the same texts, we may note that the translations were, for Beckett, an opportunity to rethink and reformulate his own works.

This book represents the first attempt to pubish in Russian translations of both author’s versions of Beckett’s famous short story “The Lost Ones/Le Depeupleur.” Formally it's the same text, but discrepancies begin with the title: the French version is called Le Dépeupleur (“The Ravager”), the English version is called “The Lost Ones.”

Participants in the presentation include publisher Vadim Klimov, translator Peter Molchanov, and Anatoly Ryasov, the compiler of the book and the author of the introductory essay.

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