14 May, 20:00
Reading, Foyer


Stanislavsky Electrotheatre and Teatro Espanol (Madrid) supported by Cervantes Institute
Directed by Natalia Menendez
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Directed by Natalia Menendez
Performers: the artists of Stanislavsky Electrotheatre

New performance Life is a Dream by a famous play of a mystic and distinguished poet Pedro Calderon de la Barca will be presented on the Main stage of Stanislavsky Electrotheatre in October, 2021. Spanish director Natalia Menendez will stage it and it is going to be a part of Calderon Duo project which second part will be Constant Principle of Boris Yukhananov.

Teatro Espanol is one of the oldest theatres in the world that began working in XVI century and became a launching platform for great Spanish speaking playwriters from Lope de Vega to Garcia Lorca.

Natalia Menendez is one of the leading masters of modern Spanish theatre; she is a theatre director, a playwright, an actress, a manager and the artistic director of Theatro Espanol y Naves del Espanol in Madrid.

Life is a Dream play is a key philosophic drama of Calderon, which reveals a catastrophic non-coincidence between human’s desire and his destiny, suddenly and gloomily destroying all hopes. Although Natalia Menendez believes that this play is the way to find the hope and solution in the world that seems to be destined to wars, despair and losses.

We are happy to announce that Cervantes Institute will present a new translation of the play created by Natalia Vanhanen to the audience. This new translation was made especially for this coproduction of Teatro Espanol and Stanislavsky Electrotheatre and Natalia Menendez used it to prepare the reading with the artists.


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