Уважаемые гости! В фойе театра до 18 апреля открыта выставка Андрея Безукладникова «Эхо андеграунда. Из жизни Нонсенсориков». Часы работы: ежедневно с 11:00 до 22:00.

21 January, 20:00
Lecture, Foyer

The Social Construction of Reality in Cultural Practices

Ten Lectures on the Postmodern: A short course in surivival in the contemporary cultural space
Book tickets from 500 ₽
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The Stanislavsky Electrotheatre presents

The lectures examine the main postulates of postmodern philosophy: the postmodern as a phenomenon of culture; the influence of culture on us, and of us on culture; the line between art and non-art.

The fourth lecture of the cycle

- the system of socio-cultural institutions and the legitimation of the social order;
- inculturation as a process of assimilating culture, and the formation of identity;
- the individual and society: the productivity of social activities in the social structure and the possibility of its transformation;
- art as a figurative assimilation of reality and symbolic space.

Lecturer: Yulia Barysheva, PhD in cultural studies, associate professor.