"The Garden". Photographer: Ken Reynolds. September 1995
20 May, 19:00
Film, Webcast

The Cinema of Boris Yukhananov. The Garden. The 8th Regeneration

Films and theatre productions from the Boris Yukhananov archive. Jointly with Seance magazine
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The Cinema of Boris Yukhananov: We Gaze into the Past as if it Were the Present

Films and theatre productions from the Boris Yukhananov archive

Jointly with Seance magazine 


This is a collection of productions on video that originated in numerous past eras of Russian culture. Some of them capture projects of the 1980s and 1990s, when several hotbeds of underground art arose inside the Soviet Union. Others are laboratory projects exploring all sorts of texts, as well as the nature of the actor/amateur in a performance. Finally, the third part offers completed productions that were performed at various theatre venues in the 2000s. Filmed as cinema, not as theatre, these works are a snapshot of Boris Yukhananov's oeuvre, which anticipated many trends in contemporary theatre and performance art.

Streams will take place on the Seance website and on the Electrotheatre page in Vkontakte.

The final regeneration of the The Garden project, which lasted over a decade. The performance took place in the summer of 2001 as part of the III International Theatre Olympiad on the stage of the Meyerhold Center.

See details on the Boris Yukhananov website.

«Над многоступенчатым, многочастным театральным проектом "Сад: режиссер Борис Юхананов и его "Мастерской индивидуальной режиссуры" работали всю первую половину 90-х годов ХХ века. Сейчас, из недалекого будущего, этот странный, завиральный проект, о котором ходит много кривотолков, кажется мне одним из главных эстетических свершений конца века. Причем не только театральных». Дмитрий Бавильский, «Взгляд», 10.06.2008