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22 April, 19:00
Lecture, Foyer

An Alternative History of Theatre

Lecture 8. Grigory Zalkind: Hidden People
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A cycle of lectures hosted jointly with Theatre magazine. The lectures illuminate an alternative history of theatre, a research project that began in the magazine's thirty-third issue.    

Alyona Solntseva
Grigory Zalkind: Hidden People

Director Grigory Zalkind graduated from Boris Zakhava's course at GITIS in 1951. He was a fellow student and friend of Anatoly Efros; Solomon Mikhoels suggested he revive the Jewish theater; he was the first to bring the plays of Beckett and Ionesco to Moscow. He never asked anyone for anything. Gregory Zalkind and his theatre that did not make history.

Alyona Solntseva is a theatre and film critic, a Ph.D., and was the head of the culture section of the newspaper Vremya novostei.

Tickets: 300 rubles. Subscription to four lectures: 900 rubles