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20 March, 19:00
Lecture, Foyer

An Alternative History of Theatre

Lecture No. 7. Collective Actions group
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A cycle of lectures hosted jointly with Theatre magazine. The lectures illuminate an alternative history of theatre, a research project that began in the magazine's thirty-third issue.    

Yulia Liderman
Collective Actions group

In the first volume of Trips to the Countryside, the names of some actions employ elements of theatrical vocabulary (“Curtain,” “Entrance,” “Comedy,” etc.). In the 1970s and 1980s, theatrical aesthetics gave way to the aesthetics of performance. The written testimonies of the participants are included under the general title Trips to the Countryside among other documents of collective actions from 1976 to the 1980s. Theatrical aesthetics as the primary space of perception are articulated here in various manners.

Yulia Liderman is a cultural scholar, a senior researcher at the School of Contemporary Humanitarian Studies, RANEPA. She is a member of the Theatrum Mundi Lab.


Tickets: 300 rubles. Subscription to four lectures: 900 rubles