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Yelena Klishchevskaya


Yelena Klischevskaya graduated from Vladimir Andreev’s GITIS course in 1980, after which she joined the company of the Stanislavsky Drama Theatre. Her first major success was in the role of Lariska in Impromptu Fantasy (directed by Alexander Tovstonogov). She played Zhenya in Housewarming in an Old House (directed by Tovstonogov), Dzemruda in Happy Beggars (directed by Felix Berman), and Zhenya in Sholom Aleichem Street, 40 (directed by Tovstonogov).

In film she debuted as Katya, Olga’s maid, in Nikita Mikhalkov’s Several Days in the Life of Ivan Oblomov in 1979.

Roles in the the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre
2023Мать Еры, «Икра трески», реж. Игорь Макаров
2019Джанк-паяц, «Пиноккио», реж. Борис Юхананов
2016Angustias, The House of Bernarda Alba, directed by Alisa Seletskaya
2015Seamstress, The Blue Bird, directed by Boris Yukhananov
2014Lady of the Court, The Bacchae, directed by Theodoros Terzopoulos
Roles in the Moscow Drama theatre named after K.S. Stanislavsky
2012Marietta Rival, Moliere (Cabal of Hypocrites), directed by Valery Belyakovich
2012Women deceived by Don Juan, The Last Night of Don Juan, directed by Valery Belyakovich
2008Women in a Harem, Martyrs of Love, directed by Tatyana Akhramkova
2001Angelica, The Italian Will, directed by Semyon Spivak
1996Isora, The Black Hen, directed by Olga Velikanova
1993Second Woman, The Thesmaphoria, directed by Valery Sarkisov
1991Regina Enstrand, Ghosts, directed by Rimma Bykova
1991Liza Buchkina, A Women's Table at a Hunting Lodge, directed by Vladimir Portnov
1987Daria Petrovna, The Heart of a Dog, directed by Alexander Tovstonogov
1986Lidochka, The Case, directed by Vladimir Portnov
1985Katya, Housewarming in an Old House, directed by Alexander Tovstonogov
1985Zhenya, Sholom Aleichem Street, 40, directed by Alexander Tovstonogov
1984Vera, Guests, directed by Vladimir Portnov
1984Vasilisa, The Frog Princess, directed by Olga Velikanova and Alexander Tovstonogov
1981Lariska, Impromptu Fantasy, directed by Alexander Tovstonogov
1981Dzemruda, Happy Beggars, directed by Felix Berman
1968Little John, Robin Hood, directed by Yekaterina Yelanskaya (replacement)
Roles in the cinema
1988Katya, Housewarming in an Old House, directed by Alexander Tovstonogov and Nadezhda Marusalova
1987Daughter, directed by Alexander Blank
1987Zhenya, Sholom Aleichem Street, 40, directed by Alexander Tovstonogov and Nadezhda Marusalova
1983Tosya Shchepetilnikova, Ahead is the Ocean, directed by Vladimir Laptev
1982Conductor, Children’s World, directed by Valery Remnev
1979Katya, Several Days in the Life of Ivan Oblomov, directed by Nikita Mikhalkov