Уважаемые зрители! В фойе Электротеатра Станиславский проходит выставка фотографий Олимпии Орловой, приуроченная к десятилетию театра. С 16 по 19 февраля часть экспозиции будет недоступна для просмотра . Успевайте посетить! Вход свободный.

Boris Dergachyov


Boris Dergachyov graduated from the theatre department of the Saratov State Conservatory and the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts (RATI-GITIS) (Valery Belyakovich studio) in 2012. That same year he began working at the Stanislavsky Drama Theatre. Since then he has performed the roles of Flins (Six Characters in Search of an Author, directed by Valery Belyakovich), Limpy (Dogs, directed by Belyakovich), Father Fedka (Ivan Vasilyevich..., directed by Alexander Gorban), and others.

Dergachyov also works in other theatres, including the Saratov Drama Theatre, Another Theatre and the Open Stage Theatre Project.

Roles in the the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre
2023Жук, «Сверчок», реж. Марфа Горвиц
2019Птенчик, «Пиноккио. Лес», реж. Борис Юхананов
2017Anisim Zotikovich Alleluia, Zoika's Apartment, directed by Olga Lukichyova
2016The Golden Ass. Segment “City”, directed by Boris Yukhananov
2015Musical and poetry recitals in My Generation, directed by Roman Drobot
2015Kiro, The Colonel Bird, directed by Roman Drobot
2015Eliades, Anna in the Tropics, directed by Alexander Ogaryov
2015Runny Nose, Rabbit, Beatitudes, Crow, Penguin, Napoleon, Gravedigger, The Blue Bird, directed by Boris Yukhananov
Roles in the Moscow Drama theatre named after K.S. Stanislavsky
2012Limpy, Dogs, directed by Valery Belyakovich
2012Variety theatre guest, Holidaymaker in Yalta, Student, Guest at the ball, The Master and Margarita, directed by Valery Belyakovich
2012Actors of the corps de ballet of the Moliere troupe, Moliere (A Cabal of Hypocrites), directed by Valery Belyakovich
2012Executor of Royal Desires, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, directed by Oleg Onischenko and Mikhail Belyakovich
2012Balabol, The Dolls, directed by Valery Belyakovich
2011Flins, Six Characters in Search of an Author, directed by Valery Belyakovich (replacement).
2011Father Fedka, Ivan Vasilievich..., directed by Alexander Gorban (replacement)
Roles in other theaters
2013Jiraya Jeep, Soldiers All the Same, directed by Maria Palovskaya, Another Theatre
2013Bob Andrews, Player, The Mystery of the Castle of Horrors, directed by Sergei Zakharin, Open Stage Theatre Project
2011Mortimer, Maria Stuart, directed by German Sedakov, Open Stage Theatre Project
2009Peasant, The Cuckoo's Tears, directed by Alexander Pletnyov, Saratov Drama Theatre
Roles in the cinema
2022Давыдов, «Мажор в Сочи», реж. Никита Власов
2022Леха, «Друг на час», реж. Александр Бойков, Эмиль Никогосян
2022«Безумный ангел Пиноккио», реж. Борис Юхананов
2022Саша, «Булки», реж. Олег Асадулин
2022Артем, «Свободные отношения», реж. Дмитрий Невзоров
2022«Капельник», реж. Илья Аксенов
2021«Это надо знать», реж. Вадим Плохотников
2021Сергей, «Семейка», реж. Сергей Знаменский, Михаил Соловьев
2021Паша, «Бесит», реж. Василиса Кузьмина, Илья Аксенов и др.
2021«По колено», реж. Саша Абдуллаев, Байбулат Батуллин
2021Паша, «Гуляй, Вася! Свидание на Бали», реж. Роман Каримов
2020Павел Борисов, «Огонь», реж. Алексей Нужный
2020Яша Глаз, «Идеальная семья», реж. Владимир Котт
2020Иван, «Отель «Белград», реж. Константин Статский
2020Левашов, «СидЯдома», реж. Ольга Френкель
2019«Короче», реж. Илья Фарфель
2019«Кухня. Война за отель 1, 2», реж. Евгений Шелякин
2019Толик, «Триада», реж. Дмитрий Дьяченко
2018Жора, «Год Свиньи» реж. Семён Яковлев
2018Миша, «На край света», реж. Илья Аксенов
2018Кирилл, «Ну, здравствуй, Оксана Соколова!», реж. Кирилл Васильев
2018Боря, «Фитнес 1-5», реж. Антон Маслов, реж. Кирилл Васильев
2017Fats, Arrhythmia, directed by Boris Khlebnikov
2017Стас Мусатов, «Команда “Б”», реж. Арман Геворгян
2016Olga, directed by Artyom Nuzhny, Igor Voloshin
2016Pasha, Be Gone, Vasya!, directed by Roman Karimov
2015Vovan, Worried, or Love is Evil, directed by Boris Khlebnikov
2014Bank Employee, The Courier, directed by Sergei Polyansky
2014Cops in Law-9, directed by Igor Romashchenko, Nikolai Denisov and others
2014Andrei, I Cannot Forget You, directed by Maxim Demchenko
2013Salesman, The Construction Site, directed by Roman Samgin and Sakhat Dursunov
2011Dirty Work, directed by Igor Romashchenko, Boris Kazakov and others
2011Attorney-8, directed by Alexander Zakharenkov, Dmitry Fix, and others
2010Hot on the Trail, directed by Ilya Maximov