Anna Antosik graduated from the department of pop and jazz vocals at the Gnesin State Musical College. She graduated from the acting department at RATI-GITIS (in the Alexei Borodin studio) in 2009.
That same year she began working at the Stanislavsky Drama Theatre where she played a number of roles, including the Frog Princess (The Frog Princess, directed by Olga Velikanova and Alexander Tovstonogov), Izora (The Black Hen, directed by Olga Velikanova), Donna Sgulda (Women's Gossip directed by Alexander Galibin). She also worked at the National Youth Theater, where she played the role of Mary in the musical Scarlet Sails directed by Alexei Borodin. She has been an actress at the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre since 2014.
Roles in the the Stanislavsky Electrotheatre
2022Актриса, «Че́ховщина», реж. Серафима Низовская
2019Касса, Зритель, «Пиноккио. Театр», реж. Борис Юхананов
2019Дорогая, «Пиноккио. Лес», реж. Борис Юхананов
2019Мэй, «Кошка на раскаленной крыше», реж. Полина Fractal
2019Смельская, «Таланты и поклонники» реж. Ольга Великанова
2016Sveta from Rudnya, Love Machines, directed by Maria Chirkova
2016Servant, The House of Bernard Alba, directed by Alisa Seletskaya
2016Psychosis, directed by Alexander Zeldovich
2016Наташа Королева, «Золотой осел. Разомкнутое пространство работы», реж. Борис Юхананов
2015Milk, Cow, Mother Koreneva, Model, Weaver , The Blue Bird, directed by Boris Yukhananov
Roles in the Moscow Drama theatre named after K.S. Stanislavsky
2011Young Lady, Ivan Vasilyevich, directed by Alexander Gorban
2010Izora in The Black Hen, directed by Olga Velikanova
2009Мама, «Волшебный орех», реж. Рамис Ибрагимов (ввод)
20092009 Donna Sgualda, Women's Gossip, directed by Alexander Galibin
2009Frog Princess in The Frog Princess, directed by Olga Velikanova and Alexander Tovstonogov
Roles in other theaters
2014Vera in the musical Once Upon a Time in Odessa, directed by Vladislav Kapp
2010Mary in the musical Scalet Sails, directed by Alexei Borodin at the Russian National Youth Theatre
2003Jennifer in the musical The Witches of Eastwick, directed by Yakov Yuzefovich at the Art Voyage Theatre Center
2002Nymph in the musical Dracula, directed by Petro Gudak
Roles in the cinema
2018Лена Костина, «Морозова-2», реж. Иван Щеглов, Сергей Лесогоров
2011The Precinct, directed by Alexander Stroev and Mikhail Kabanov
2010Irina, The Crime Will be Solved - 2, directed by Stanislav Libin and Ivan Shchegolev
2010Masha in Kremlin Chimes, directed by Valentin Kozlovsky and Dmitry Cherkov
2009Bride in Ivan the Terrible, directed by Andrei Eshpai